Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Tingles and Migraine Part One Wednesday evening 19th May

5.30pm it started. That vague sensation. Familiar to me now, ten years ago I wouldn't have been able pinpoint it. But now a 30 something, I've learnt more about myself and that vague sensation, well, it's become more prominent, more frequent. Right now (8.20pm) it feels like an infusion of poison. Millions of daddy longlegs running up and down my right arm. That's what the tingles are like.

They make me edgy and unrelaxed. If they are really bad I'll 'circle.' It's a running joke in the family now, because I can't sit down and I get in people's way - spacial awareness is just not my 'thing.' But I'm learning, for instance I know when I've dribbled all over someone, I've just got that little bit too close....

The prolific Daddy longlegs are running down my leg now. I'm glad, glad that they're not tarantulas. Thick hairy legs are more intense and I'll have to sit down and rub my arms and legs. Sometimes I rock back and forth. I try not to do any of this in public, afraid that I'll be taken away by men in white coats.

Little things have come and gone this evening with the Daddy longlegs, I was on the phone to a close friend but oh I said something wrong, and then even worse, blurted out some news at a completely inapprpriate moment, it was a bit like taurettes (have I spelt that right, haven't got a dictonary to hand) syndrome. So I got a little bit paranoid, a little bit too worried about it, I started stuttering....well you get my drift.

But the worst thing that at the moment is the migraine. It started, with a bird pecking gently at my temple. Now it feels like a brick been crushed on it and I'm feeling so sick that eventually, my head will be in the toiet bowl -unless I get to bed with some ice and some painkillers first

More tomorrow

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